Early voting started today. I went in shortly after 12 noon and was number 39 on the roster.
Am I going to tell you who I voted for and why? You betcha! But first...
The Median is JUST ONE OF MANY ISSUES!I saw the ads suggesting that voters should make their decisions based solely on whether or not the candidate supports the median project. As if that is the only issue that will impact our community in the next two years! What a crock....
Personally, I do not feel strongly one way or the other about the median plan. To all those who scream DRAINAGE PROBLEMS!!! I would say this: can you remember the last time Padre Blvd. flooded? And for how long it remained inpassible? Was it more than for an hour or three? I grew up in a place where sometimes so much snow fell that school got cancelled and folks had to stay home from work for a day or two and -- you know what?
The world did not end! If we can fix the drainage problem, excellent! but as far as I am concerned, this is a non-issue.
Will businesses suffer if vehicles have to go an extra block or two to access them? Studies suggest not. Will the blvd look nicer? Undoubtedly. Will the enhanced blvd. be safer for pedestrians? Studies certainly suggest so. Is it going to be expensive? Absolutely. Can we trust our elected officials to carefully study all factors, listen to viewpoints from all affected business owners and then do the best thing for the greater good of SPI?
I believe we can.
Okay, so you hate SPIRIT. Now why not just answer the questions?I gotta say it again - I am hugely disappointed that so few of the candidates have participated in the
online forum at spispirit.org. What are they afraid of? Why won't they share their views in a place where everyone can read them? So what if you aren't a fan of SPIRIT? That's like not going to sand castle days because you like Coppertone better than Banana Boat. It makes zero sense not to take advantage of this excellent communications tool. And since I believe that all the candidates are basically rational, I am going to suggest that these candidates are not participating because they are scared of committing themselves IN WRITING to viewpoints that can be thrown back at them at some later date. It is all too easy to speak off the cuff at a pachanga - to say what you are pretty sure the person you are talking to wants to hear and which you can disavow as a simple misunderstanding if need be somewhere down the road.
On the other hand, you know that what a candidate writes on the online forum is going to be read, re-read and quoted by a wider spectrum of voters. Some aren't going to like what you have to say and they will throw your words back at you someday and you will not be able to disavow them because there is a written record. It takes courage and commitment to take a stand in this type of forum, and I applaud the candidates who are taking the time and effort to communicate their views with us.
(Now, if any of the candidates who are _not participating have a better reason for shunning the forum, I would be very happy to publish that explanation right here.)
Surprise Surprise This is How I VotedAlderman
I voted for Fred and JoAnn - primarily because I am convinced that they will do the best job of representing the interests of the residents. Sure, the needs of the business owners are also important and will necessarily factor into their actions because there is a lot of overlap: I am just one of many residents who make a living off the tourists who visit here. For that reason, I want a city government that will promote the island, protect its most precious resources (what attracts the tourists and future residents here in the first place) and maintain a climate conducive to doing business . However, quality of life - the place I get to hang out when I am
not working - trumps every other consideration in my book.
I believe that Fred and JoAnn are free agents who are not beholden to any particular factions. I believe that they both will work hard to protect the beach, the bay and the charm of the existing residential neighborhoods. I perceive them as being intelligent and informed, and I believe that they both have the requisite "people skills" that help form consensus and create the coalitions necessary for moving forward with large projects.
I voted for Bob Pinkerton. This was a tough decision for me to make because I am very fond of Joe Buck and consider him a friend (and I sure hope he still considers me a friend in spite of the fact that I am not supporting his bid for mayor.)
People who know me well know that I have not always been a fan of Mayor Pinkerton, and there is much that I still do not agree with him about. However, I have been to enough BOA meetings to develop a better understanding of the Mayor's job and an appreciation for the skills required to keep things moving along, while still giving folks from all sides of any given issue the opportunity to air their opinions; to smile and be polite when the crazy people want to talk; to maintain your cool under pressure and to calm ruffled feathers; to be able to sit through shitloads of boring meetings and not look like you'd rather be fishing.
Bob does a pretty good job of it, and he has my vote.