Bye-Bye Ike

The island got a bit of a smack from Ike on his way by but I am sure everyone on SPI woke up feeling lucky and relieved. In my little universe (the area my dog and I traverse on a regular basis) SeaBreeze had a lot of ocean in their swimming pool and a bent fence where the waves have obviously pummelled it. Over at Suntide II (the other dune-less property in my universe) first floor condos had their doors boarded up against the same thing while plant matter and surf trash was piled up on top of the seawall. Surftrash and a lot of sand had also been pushed into the parking lot of beach access #16 through the STII breach, though the dune built up and vegetated by the city there last year held.
Frankly, I think the city should send the HOA of STII a bill for clean up costs.
In my little universe, the properties protected by established dunes were untouched. It was sad to see our beautiful dunes so shopped up and diminished, but they will come back -- quickly if storms stay away and we leave the vegetation and intact roots alone.
Hopefully this little lesson will drive the message home to the last holdouts who still think their right to a first-floor water view supersedes the rights of all the property owners behind them to dune protection.

See you at Boomies this afternoon!
Nancy Marsden writes:
We have incredible beach -- it's just higher. Went out at 4:30 a.m. thinking I would see disaster on Gulf-side but all is fine. The waves are calming down, surfers were already out there when I went on my second walk around 8:00 a.m. Now I would like EVERYONE on this forum that's in town to meet me at Boomerang Billy's at 2:00 to pick up all the beach debris. Bring your own garbage bags because at this time there are still no trash cans on the beach. And if you have one of those "grabbers" (and most of us should because we are sooooo old) bring it. See you on the beach!
I totally agree with SPI send the STII HOA a bill. Unfortunately it will be us who end up paying for STII to do their repairs through higher flood insurance premiums! Yeah!
Unfortunately I think Hurricane Ike hitting the upper coast will tap out the Texas Windstorm Fund, and cause a radical rise in flood insurance as well. If it was millions here because of Dolly, it will be billions up there.
But I agree, the selfishness of a few people is causing a whole bunch of the community some serious heartburn.
Then consider that we never had a "continuous dune line" to begin with, ever.
Tell me, how did Dr. Heise's dune projects work in Ike's storm surge waves?
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