An evening in Pisticci

Tuesday night was the beach party and it seemed appropriate that I break out my ukulele. The event organizers - a young and enthusiastic group from Pisticci - were as or more appreciative of my limited talents as anyone I have so far encountered. They seem to really enjoy American folk music and I wish I knew more songs they could sing along with. "Dream a Little Dream of Me" and "Lovesick Blues" seem to be the favorites.
Last night we showered at Antonio's house and then dined on pizza and beer at La Lanterna in Pisticci proper. This is the town adjacent to the beach where we are building but it was the first time we had actually gone into the city itself. It is als o very historic and lovely even (or especially) at night. I shot lots of photos and video, some of which is already posted on my flickr stream.
Intrigued by the stories my hosts told but frustrated by the language barriar, I googled Pisticci this morning and found -- almost nothing. A few picures and barely a mention in Wikipedia. How can this be?
It sounds like you are having a wonderful time (except for worrying about a little thing like a hurricane) and enjoying the local ambiance. I am so-o jealous.
I too, am jealous. I want to mix your life with Jimmy Buffett's and jump in!
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