The Contiguous Duneline? Yeah right

Pretty much everyone agrees we need it.
City staff as well as elected officials claim to support it.
So why is there still a below-sea-level channel - created and maintained by city workers - cutting through the dune that is trying to form just north of Suntide II at beach access #16?
I have asked this question repeatedly and I have still not gotten a satisfactory answer.
Hey! Property owners! Jupiter, Venus and Saturn! Yo Esperanza! You are located in one of the lowest parts of the island, and if we get a storm surge, your town has dug out a channel that will direct it right into your happy little neighborhood!
Okay. You can go back to sleep now.
Yes, indeed. Let's ask why?
Will Davis
I/m trying to be reasonable here, There are two guys who run the tractors for the Town, usually doing beach raking. They work for Raul Morales, the Public Works Director.
OK, so now the season or northers and northeasters is coming. There are fewer people on the beach. So why not work on raising the "continuous dune" in areas that are obvious blow holes? I mean that one Sandy was talking about was real obvious but there's maybe 40 more ... plenty of work to do instead of raking seaweed that isn't even there.
This probably will take an alderman sponsor to bring it up in a town meeting. Go for it.
This morning the tide was surging up the channel right into the parking lot.
Yes it looks high today ... the tides are "doubles" today so we never get a low tide. Let's hope we don't get any +30 knot winds over the next few days, or your road will have water on it.
The EDC meeting today, 17th, has an item to approve monies which includes cash for "dune restoration". And has anyone asked Mr. Morales directly about the channel and the continuous dune situation? The alderpersons have discussed this before but it always gets sent to the back of the line it seems
Fact of life guys, Mr. Morales responds to the priorities of the City Manager who responds to the priorities of the politicians. That's the way government people keep their jobs here and everywhere else. This needs to come from the top. Has anyone talked to the mayor?
There are several "no-dune zones" in my neck of the beach and after the recent high tide, I noticed beachrake marks going all the way up into the dune break and raking! This is the last place the rakers should be going. They should be piling up sand to close up the gaps not leveling it out and making the gaps wider.
Also, the practice of putting the beach trash onto the foredunes is not a good thing for the turtles that lay their eggs in this part of the dune.
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