Happy in Hampton Beach

I love my room here at the Hillcrest Inn. It is small but comfy and spotlessly clean but the best feature is the balcony that affords me an unbeatable view of the beach and and main drag. I have observed fireworks, incredible sunrises, teenagers embracing or tossing footballs, metal detectors, joggers and lots of big fat happy seagulls -- all from the vantage point of my bed.
Over the years I have had many opportunities to stay at very swank resorts -- but always as the hired help. Which means I usually get relegated to the view-free crappy room next to the janitor's closet that time (and the repair people) forgot.. But here at the Hillcrest I feel like I lucked into the best room in the house. And I am most grateful.
Big storm just as we were knocking off yesterday. Fred lost the Dalai's llama head, and the Indian sculptor (Sirdad Dash?) lost pretty much his whole sculpture, of which I had just happened to shoot this photo at lunch break.
I had some texturing but was otherwise unaffected. After dinner at the Cascade I stood for a while looking at my piece and listened to what the spectators have to say when they don't know they are standing right next to the artist. Very enlightening....
Played some more music in the lobby with Matt Long before retiring. I have acquired two new songs during my stay here in Hampton Beach - "Different Drum" (L. Ronstadt, thanks to Matt for teaching me that tasty progression!) and "Are You Lonely Tonight." (Not because it has anything at all to do with my personal life but because everyone should have a least one Elvis tune that they can whip out on demand. REALLY.)
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