Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Catching up on my way out of town...

All of South Padre Island's master sand sculptors are heading to the big contest in Port Aransas this week, where the father/daughter team of Amazin' and Christy will take on Team Trowel & Error (Kirk and me) in a fight to the finish.

Sadly, that means I will miss the SAVE THE LAGUNA MADRE KICK-OFF MEETING tonight, 6:30 PM at Club Padre. I sure hope turnout is huge and that good things are accomplished. For more information about Save The Laguna Madre and this public meeting go to:

Another important event I will be missing is the all-you-can-eat Fish fry at Bennie's-By-the-Bay March 31 from 11 - 2:30 for $7.50. All proceeds will go to Alex. If anyone has any updates on his condition I'd appreciate your posting them in the comments here.

Ditto for our good friend Steve Gomez who reportedly had a stroke a few days back and has slipped into a coma. Shari -- if there is anything we can do other than pray for recovery, please let us know.

Y'all take good care of each other while I am gone, okay?


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