Sandblasters on the Travel Channel

Your humble webwiz plus 15 other sand sculptors are featured in this "blow-em-up" sandcastle contest reality show. Travel Channel - 6 pm Texas Time next Sunday March 12. Lori Brass has seen the teaser which reportedly ends with yours truly solemnly intoning "I will be utterly devastated if they blow this thing up."
Did I really say that??!!!?
I want to see the teaser!!! Was it on the travel channel or some other discory network channel? I’m nervous and excited at the same time. I hope they edit it well.
Is this the episode that you used some of the local island kids?
Nope. That was for National Geographic and is supposed to air next fall.
This was filmed in San Diego around the same time, though.
I saw the teaser on TV today. I stopped what I was doing because I had seen your header in the blog, but had not read it yet. And then there was you and your infamous quote. I will be watching next week
can we get Louie's to like show 20 TV sets of it in the locals/sports bar? Hehe, that would be awesome. Whaddyamean it's Spring Break, come on, girl! Let's show those young'uns how to party.
I'm an artist and I can't believe nobody cared that these wonderful sculptures were blown up! I watched the show last night and just kept shaking my head saying "immature" "downright stupid" "little things for little minds". Is it only me? If so, I'm sneak quietly away and let the insanity continue. I saw the hurt looks on some of these sculptor's faces as their hard work was blown up. What a waste of air time!
i saw the sand sculpting special, and have decided to try and sandsculp.
it reminds me of chalc drawings, th way theya re both temporary, and an unusual medium.
never even heard of sand sculping as such a large scale thing
its amazing, beautiful, and im hopng this summer when im out of school will be a good time to learn.
Come on SandBlasters - Only 2 hours to complete a piece of Sand Art for a $$$ Prize is not right - for the artists or for us that are watching the show. If you want a great show for TV, why not have 20 contestants and blow 10 over a two day period, but with at least 6 to 8 hours to finish the last one blown. That way we get to see a lot more of the art and the last one blown still has enough time to make something that can win first prize. A little more thinking and this is could be a good show.
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