Dolly update - from Houston

I caught the last flight out of Harlingen yesterday and spent the night in Houston to allow me to get to a job in Italy on time, so I am anxiously perusing all news sources of Dolly's imminent landfall very near to if not directly on South Padre Island. John, my Very Capable Housesitter, seems to be most concerned about the surge - says the water is already halfway up the driveway with high tide or the storm not even there yet. I filled 10 sandbags before leaving town, but when I talked to him a couple hours ago he was talking about filling some trashbags with sand from the sandbox.
Pretty nerve-wracking, actually.
Labels: dolly, south padre island
It isn't at all as dramatic as the news reports. Sam and I went on the back porch down stairs and it was so cool. Now a trip out on the front porch (north) was a bit zippy. It is 8:20am and we still have power, sat TV (oops just lost that) and phone. Thankfully we have a generator and all the essentials. Not a lot of rain. The water is not even halfway up our driveway. Have a great time in Italy - all is well on the sandbar.
Thanks for the reassurance, Anne. I am still wondering if I made a mistake leaving when I did, though John loves my home and can probably handle things better than I could have.
Glad you made it out of town before Dolly hit. I know what you mean about it being nerve-wracking. Watching the reports on TV in Denver, but not really knowing what is happening has made this seem like an endless day for me.
Mustlove, your words are encouraging. I hope you and Sam are weathering the storm without incident. Just stay safe.
Lucinda, enjoy your trip and good luck.
We were supposed to arrive tommorrow (Thursday) at around 1 p.m. I am now wondering if we should cancel our trip. Any ideas or comments
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