bye bye Joey

I was very saddened to hear about the passing of longtime local Joey Rucker last week -- practically a fixture at several of our local watering holes. Joey had a bad neck and seemed most at home kicked back on a bar stool. He had a ready smile, a quick wit and could be quite charming -- not to mention very entertaining. He will be missed by many.
Mike McNamara wrote this succinct yet moving account of Joey's passing which he has given me permission to share. The photo was provided by Scott Wheeler. Feel free to add your Joey stories in the comment section if you feel so moved.
"joey rucker died on aug 3. he pulled his own plug and went cheerfully on his way.
at grave side where the family interred his ashes shots of rum and coke were served. a bottle of barcardi, pack of ciggs, liter of coke and a dollar bill for liar's poker were intered with his ashes.
he had taken a couple of falls. the last one was several days before he died. his bones are so messed up and brittle that it doesn't take much for them to break. he broke his neck.
the only way he could stay alive was on a ventilator. he said no way. he was disconnected and with his family around him he said good bye and see you upstairs. he closed his eyes and died."
Thanks, sf, believe it or not a bunch of folks know Joey up there in Austin and I forwarded them this link. They were very thankful ...
I regret that I never met Joey on any of my visit's to the island. My prayers and condolences go out to his family and friends. MLeahy
I am Joey's nephew he was a profound influence on my life and I miss him every day, honestly I just googled his name and this came up, I cannot say how much this means to my family and I thank you so much, I'll show this to my mother tomorrow his sister and I know she will love all the memories... thank you
It's coming up on his birthday, I think an article on him in the parade or current would be an amazing homage to a great man. I've got all the photos and stories, It would be nice to have an original local front page for his birthday. You can contact me at
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