A hangover, yes.

But not an incapacitating one. It goes with the territory of experiencing a satisfactorily raucous new year's eve. This morning Amazin' and I created a very groovy polar bear sand sculpture on Boomerang Billy's beach; the fog burned off early and the sun shone brightly nearly the whole day and something like 380 island polar bears plunged into the frigid (not!) 68 degree Gulf of Mexico. Lots of whooping and hollering; many bloody marys consumed and plenty of fun was had by all.(See more photos here...)
Thanks and congratulations to Blaine and Cindy and Shane and Stephanie and everyone else who donated time and resources to making this a fun and astoundingly successful event. Thanks to the weather gods especially: one of these years we are going to get the arctic express blowing through here on new years and then we will see who the real polar bears are. I probably fall in the "fair weather polar bear" column, myself.
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