Getting ready to commit art...
Trash art.

Real Estate broker Laurie Gaudi - who, not so incidentally is the only certified eco-broker on the Island - along with the unlitter campaign is sponsoring a trash art contest as part of this year's Sandcastle Days festivities. It's all happening Oct. 15-18 in Isla Blanca Park so if you want to compete against me for the $100 cash prize (adult category) then you'd better get busy.
Sez me.
(Many thanks to Nancy Marsden for her huge contribution of discarded sand shovels to my personal collection.)

Real Estate broker Laurie Gaudi - who, not so incidentally is the only certified eco-broker on the Island - along with the unlitter campaign is sponsoring a trash art contest as part of this year's Sandcastle Days festivities. It's all happening Oct. 15-18 in Isla Blanca Park so if you want to compete against me for the $100 cash prize (adult category) then you'd better get busy.
Sez me.
(Many thanks to Nancy Marsden for her huge contribution of discarded sand shovels to my personal collection.)
I see so many great things that could happen with those! Good luck next weekend, too! :)
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