How Embarassing

I - apparently - do not yet have a sponsor in the Port Aransas SandFest this year. How can this be?!?
My sponsor of many years - Port Aransas Reality - is having a bad year, which shouldn't surprise anyone.
Surely someone has $750 and a big banner touting - something/anything! - that they can hang in front of the very cool and eye-catching (and possibly though not likely, winning) sand sculpture that I fully intend to build in Port Aransas in April of 2009.
As an added bonus, I will throw in a FREE Beachbillboard just to sweeten the pot a little...
C'mon! Don't hold back! Show the feets a little love and sponsor me in Port A already!
Sponsor Info
Photos of sculptures I have built in past Sandfests and elsewhere
Hi Sandy, Greetings from Jacksonville, FL. I trust you will get a sponsor soon. Check you link spelling for
Cheers, Tom
If you are in need to more sponsorship money please contact me. I have some money to throw towards your cause. Please contact us at or 210-710-0094.
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